Thank you for a successful summer session! Summer classes coming soon!

July 12 — 16, 10 a.m. - 12 noon - FULL
July 19 — 23, 10 a.m. - 12 noon - FULL
Join your friends on-line, and gain confidence in the privacy of your own home through HowGirlsCode Summer Coding Camp. Taught by certified teachers and experts, HowGirlsCode Summer Coding Camp consists of ten hours of fun—coding and participating in mindful movement exercises. One week camp session will be held July 12 through July 16 and July 19 through July 23rd. Camps are for girls incoming into 4th through 9th grade.
Classes are live and on-line. You will work on special projects, create a portfolio, share ideas and you will have access to creative opportunities and experiences and collaborate with a group of other coding lovers your age. No previous coding experience is required.
Requirements for Families:
Access to a computer with internet
Quiet area for student to engage and learn
Student can access Google Meet independently or guardian is available to help
Headphones (recommended, but not required)
Enjoy two hour-long sessions in the following content areas:
Course Description: Great for beginners and those with experience, you are learning Python syntax and conventions so that you can learn to write Python the right way. The course gives you lots of hands on practice so you can develop your programming skills even more. You'll learn about input and output, variables, if statements and loops in this course.
Prerequisites: None
Audience: Incoming 7th - 9th grade girls
Cost: $200
Course Description: Girls will learn to apply basic computer science concepts with hands on visual/block programming using Scratch. Animation, sound, loops, x and y axis, conditional statements, and debugging commands will be introduced and utilized, and participants will use their creativity to design and customize projects while building their confidence and knowledge of coding.
Important Note: All students will need an email address in order to register for a Scratch account. Directions for creating a Scratch account will be shared once registration for the course is complete.
Prerequisites: None
Audience: Incoming 4th - 6th grade girls
Cost: $200
Contact us today at for more information.
Need-based scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Scholarships cover up to 40% of registration fees.
We prioritize these tuition discounts to girls who qualify for Free and Reduced Meals at school. To apply for a scholarship, we request that you send or email a copy of the school system-issued letter or form confirming this status to We will notify you of the scholarship award and camp fee upon confirmation of the FARMs status.
Students who are not eligible for Free and Reduced Meals may also apply for scholarships for a reduced fee. If you would like to request financial assistance, please complete this form and we will be in touch with you.
Payment & Cancellation Policies
1) Payment: Full payment must be received at the time of registration in order to secure a spot in the camp session of your choice.
2) All cancellations 21 days prior to the start date of class result in a $30 charge. Cancellations after 21 days result in a loss of 50% of tuition. No Refunds will be offered on cancellations 7 days or less prior to the start of class. Cancellation requests can be completed by calling 410-440-7280.
Check out the Slideshow and Robotics Videos!